Links - A necessary evil, but there are worse things out there.

A few professional affiliations:
A.E.S. (Audio Engineering Society)
A.S.C.A.P. (Performing Rights Organization)
B.M.I. (Performing Rights Organization)
N.A.R.A.S. (a.k.a. “The Academy” a.k.a. the Grammy Awards organization)

Some of the following recording studios & engineers and the bands that record with them are responsible for a big chunk of my business. I feel confident recommending them to you. Check them out! And, when you're done tracking and mixing, don’t forget where to bring your final mixes for mastering!
A & R Recording (Chicago, IL)
Black Diamond Recording Studios (Portland, OR)
Blue Bear Sound (Manotick, Ontario, Canada)
Chicago Recording Company (Chicago, IL)
Earth Analog (Tolano, IL)
Farview Recording (Las Vegas, NV)
Guest House Studios (Eclectic, AL)
Kiwi Audio (Batavia, IL)
Jason Moss (Los Angeles, CA)
Luckosound (Mike O’Brien)
Planet 10 Studios (Rolling Meadows, IL)
Soona Songs (Jonesborough, TN)

A few just for the helluvit:
Vintage King Audio - Serious modern and vintage gear for the discriminating audio engineer.
Tyler Acoustics - Some of the most impressive audiophile-quality loudspeakers you’ll ever hear.
Rupert Neve Designs - Legendary audio gear from the Legend himself.
Crane Song - David Hill - The Legend of the new generation.
Dangerous Music - Like Crane Song, I'm convinced these guys can do no wrong when it comes to top-quality audio processing.
John Scrip (.com) - My personal page - Used to be my business page - Now, it’s like a Chicago highway - Constantly under construction…
Massive Mastering on LinkedIn - Sort of self-explanatory.

ONLINE FORUMS - Many of my clients are home recording enthusiasts. I hang out at these and other forums fairly regularly. Hey, it’s good karma, right? These forums are fantastic for both home studio & professional engineers. Gear reviews & suggestions, volumes of technical information, ideas & techniques, etc. Give them a try & tell ‘em I sent you. A few of my favorites in alphabetical order are: ProSoundWeb Forums